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Preis: 53 500,00 € netto excl.20% MwSt.
          64 200,00 € brutto incl. 20% MwSt.
Pro Set Festpreis
Verfügbare Anzahl 1
Erstellt: 12.12.2022 12:22
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 12.12.2022 12:34

12pcs Adamson Y10 Top 3-way line array loudspeakers with single dollies
6pcs Adamson Y10-SUB subwoofers with single dollies
4pcs Adamson SpekTrix 3-way line array loudspeakers in double flight cases
2pcs Y-Axis Ampracks with 2pcs fp6400 and 2pcs fp3400 and a XTA DP224 per each rack
2pcs Ampracks with 3pcs fp3400 and a XTA DP224 per each rack
2pcs Adamson Y10 flight frames
All necessary Cabling.

Photos available on request.

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ENTEGRO LTD was established in 2017 aiming to provide the highest quality professional sound, lighting, visual equipment and services in both Bulgaria and neighboring Balkan countries.